Made in nature fruit fusion superberry blast organic dried fruit & seeds will ignite your taste buds with flavor and nutrition. Made with usda and iqa certified organic cherries, cranberries, raisins, pepita seeds, blueberries and goji berries, each of our 5 oz. Pouches of organic dried fruits & seeds combine a powerhouse of non-gmo project verified fruits to create a nutritious snack with no added sugars or preservatives.
country of origin : united states
is gmo free : yes
is kosher : yes
organic : 95%+ organic
size : 5 oz
pack of : 6
selling unit : case
ingredients : organic cranberries;organic raisins;organic tart cherries;organic dry roasted pepita seeds;organic blueberries;organic goji berries;organic apple juice concentrate;organic sunflower oil
keywords : kosher;natural;nutrition;raisins
country of origin : united states
is gmo free : yes
is kosher : yes
organic : 95%+ organic
size : 5 oz
pack of : 6
selling unit : case
ingredients : organic cranberries;organic raisins;organic tart cherries;organic dry roasted pepita seeds;organic blueberries;organic goji berries;organic apple juice concentrate;organic sunflower oil
keywords : kosher;natural;nutrition;raisins