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Dr. Woods Pure Castile Soap Peppermint - 32 Fl Oz

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Dr.Woods castile soap, peppermint is a gentle and luxurious soap.Made with naturally derived ingredients and traditional methods, this soap is free of unnatural and unnecessary additives.This product is gluten-free, cruelty-free and vegan friendly.Each bottle of dr.Woods castile soap, peppermint contains 32 fl.Oz.Of soap.See label for warnings.
country of origin : united states of america
is vegan : yes
size : 32 fz
pack of : 1
selling unit : each
ingredients : aqua;citric acid;extract;hemp and olive oils;peppermint essential oil;purified water;rosemarinus officinalis;rosemary;saponifed coconut;sea salt;tocopherol;vitamin e;with retained glycerin
keywords : cruelty;free;gluten;natural;vegan